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It's the skeleton of your home--what do you know about it? Learn about different layouts and construction techniques so you can choose and build the right home for you.
Building a house can be a daunting task when you consider all the pieces and people involved, so why not simplify the process? With panelized residential construction, your house plans are turned into building blocks before being delivered on site, where a small and efficient crew can put them together in a fraction of the time compared to standard stick framing. Here are the reasons why you should definitely consider panel construction when it comes time to build your new house!
The first step to putting up the frame of a house is typically a trip to a lumberyard to pick up ready-cut pieces of wood, but that wasn't always the case. Back in the old days, when houses were usually built by the soon-to-be homeowners, people had to harvest trees themselves. Knowing how many and of what size to fell was a must, because it saved time and meant that shelters could be built much more quickly—definitely important for homesteaders.
Leading the way in new building systems and high-tech products are engineered wood products. They offer high-performance, consistency, reliability and are an environmentally sound choice in new home construction.
You may have come across the term 'ICF' or 'Concrete house plan' in your search to find your dream home and may be wondering just what is meant by this term. ICF stands for Insulated Concrete Form and refers to an alternative to conventional timber framing construction. While finished ICF homes do not look outwardly different from a traditional timber framed house plan, they do offer significant benefits that may interest today's homebuilder. For instance they are quieter, energy-efficient, and potentially more comfortable.