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Lighting Up

Lighting Up Your New Home Lighting is one of the most overlooked aspects in home construction today, primarily because there is a perception that good lighting or custom lighting is expensive. Budgets are getting squeezed and homeowners (and spec builders) prefer spending on things they think give a bigger "impact", more bang for the buck. And, people often go to great lengths to maximize windows and natural light, all very important considerations, but forget that a large amount of their leisure time is spent in the evenings, after dark, when relying on the artificial lighting in your home.

Our goal here is help you make the most intelligent lighting choices, choices that will leverage your substantial investment in that new home, creating a special environment that is comfortable, relaxing and accentuates the beautiful architecture that you are creating.

A house plan that you purchase will have a basic layout that shows wall outlets and some ceiling lights and fans — a useful guide for budgeting and planning but this needs to be amplified by your conceptualizing your use of each space or room, and the furnishing layout you are planning. If you can fit it in your budget, an interior décorator at a local home furnishing or lighting store might be able to help you sketch out a more detailed lighting plan.

Most stores offer free interior decorating services when you purchase a certain dollar amount of light fixtures or furnishings. The internet is a also a valuable resource to help you in your planning. Sites like Lamps Plus offer free room planners that allow you to plug in your room dimension and then furnish your rooms with a simple point and click of your mouse.

Lamps Plus gives consumers added benefits by offering free in-home lighting consultation. A certified lighting designer will visit your home or consult with you over the phone to help assess your lighting needs. Their lighting designers are certified by the American Lighting Association and have an average of ten years of home lighting experience. All new homeowners will receive a $20 coupon off $100 or more for any online or in store purchase..

Design Tip
Kitchen counters and other work surfaces such as home offices and workshop areas require a higher level of illumination, usually provided by recessed cans, track lighting, ceiling pendants and, in offices, table, desk or floor lamps.


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